Kingstone And Thruxton Primary School


Kingstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9HJ


Year 1 Resources for Parents

A set of useful resources and links to help you support your child at home.


Parents Early Reading and Phonics Resources

At Kingstone and Thruxton we are passionate about early reading and instilling a love of reading in children. Please find the resources to support early reading below. 

 Parents Early Reading and Phonics Information Booklet.docxDownload
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Year 1 Common Exception Words

Common exception words are words where the usual spelling rule doesn't apply; such as the common exception words "friend", "there", "they" and "said". Some of these exception words are used frequently, therefore children are introduced to common exception words in year 1. There is a list of Common Exception Words for each year group.

Help your child read Alien words with this video...

 Counting in 10s number songs