Kingstone And Thruxton Primary School


Kingstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9HJ


Year 5 and 6 Isle of Wight Residential

On the Ferry...

Fun at the beach...

At the Needles...

The Boat Trip...

Osborne House...

Monkeying around at Monkey Haven...

At the Disco...

Back at Camp...

Gala Performance

Take a look out our super dances!

World Book Day

Thank you for all of your creative World Book Day entries! We loved celebrating World Book Day with you all!

Pancake Day Fun

Thank you to all those who sent in videos and photographs for our half term challenge called 'Pancake Day Fun!' Click on the video below to see how we all got on.

Children's Mental Health Week 1.2.21 - 5.2.21 - Please take a look at our

Express Yourself video!

Infant Nativity

 Welcome to our fabulous e-Nativity! We hope you enjoy our festive show...

Juniors Christmas Carol Concert

 Here are our amazing KS2 children performing Christmas Carols...

Please watch our

Virtual Open Day  

 Take a look at the exciting things we offer at Kingstone and Thruxton Primary School.

A fabulous place to learn and thrive...

Opening Minds

Making Connections 

 Take a look at our final performance and some of the fantastic activities we have been up to as a whole school... 

Harvest Festival

Please join us as we celebrate Harvest...

It's great to be back together again...

We are all enjoying getting back into our school routines, seeing our friends and making memories. For some of us, we have been away for a long time. Take a look at the things we have been doing to ease us back into school life.